Welcome to Quest Motor Group We're dedicated to providing top notch customer service every time you talk to us - online, by phone or in dealership.
Shop online in a few clicks Search over 250 new and used vehicles, and purchase online today.
14 day return policy Complete peace of mind with our 14 days returns policy available with cars purchased online.
Nationwide delivery Land's End? John o' Groats? No problem! We deliver nationwide to your driveway.
Comprehensive Warranty Worry free motoring with our 3 month warranty. Extendable to 12 months.

One of Essex's leading car dealerships

Being one of Essex's leading car dealerships, we're dedicated to providing top notch customer service every time you talk to us - online, by phone or in dealership. As a family run business since 1924, we retain the same passion for delivering high-quality vehicles, servicing and repairs at affordable prices, with transparency, trustworthiness and honesty at the heart of everything we do. While we've kept many of our original principles, we've also been busy ensuring we bring the latest technology into your car buying experience to make it even better. Today we represent the Suzuki brand through our Braintree dealership, as well as selling and servicing all makes of used vehicles.

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